Biking Under the Influence
It is against the law to ride a bicycle on a public road, path or highway while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or both. A conviction is a misdemeanor that can be punished by a $250.00 fine but carries no actual jail time. But you might decide you still want to hire a DUI attorney . We’re going to preface this by pointing out that even where it’s less legally problematic to ride your bike while drunk (or otherwise intoxicated), it’s still not a good idea! Cyclists must ensure that they are staying aware of their surroundings at all times because they are sharing road space with vehicles much larger and heavier than a bike as well as with pedestrians. So, while not all states will slap you with a DUI for biking under the influence, the chances of getting into a more serious accident are raised and you may still get slapped with a fine or another penalty if you are caught. That being said, there are states where you can cycle drunk and not get slapped with a DUI. It usua...